Introduction to Adventure

Introduction to Adventure

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As we share more adventures here on Raising Adventure, we will certainly spark your desire to go out on an adventuresome trek of your own. However, most folks don’t know where to begin on the journey to a “mountain top” experience. They think if they can’t go big, they might as well stay home.  But, this just isn’t true.

Your introduction to adventure starts right where you are! |

You can start your adventure right where you are…literally.

Adventure in your own back yard.

If you need to test your gear, your children, or yourself, do it in a controlled environment close to the creature comforts of your home. Try a night outside in your backyard before attempting a five night extravaganza at 12,000 feet elevation.

Adventure in your own neighborhood.

Start hiking the neighborhood with your family and then transition into hiking the neighborhood with your older children and packs shouldered.

Start your adventure right where you are! |

No adventure is too small.

Find a starting point and consistently forge ahead.  Don’t think the little things are too little to be adventures.  It’s all about your attitude and mindset.

So, start your adventure right where you are right now!

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